Zahnräder Netzwerk – ein Update

Logo_zrn_2012Sozialer Inkubator

Zahnräder ist eine Plattform für soziale Innovation. Wir helfen bei der Verwirklichung von den unterschiedlichsten Projekten – von der Idee über die Umsetzung bis zum gereiften Ergebnis. Wir fördern Soziales Unternehmertum, also Social Entrepreneurship, getreu dem Motto: von Muslimen für die Gesellschaft. Für mehr Teilnahme & Teilhabe an unserer Gesellschaft.

Zahnräder extern: Konferenz

Die nächste Konferenz findet im April in Heidelberg statt – man kann sich noch hier anmelden. Gewinner aus den letzten Jahren waren u.a. CubeMag, Hima, i,slam, Muhammadhoeren, Muslime.TV und StudyCoach 2.0.  Wir bieten Ideen und Projekten Motivation, Wissen, Kontakte und finanzielle Unterstützung an (die vier Formen von Kapital in der Tabelle unten). Einige Projekte konnten durch das Preisgeld umgesetzt werden, andere Projekte brauchten noch einen Schuss Motivation oder Projektwissen, um den nächsten Schritt einzuleiten. Oft kamen auch Personen mit ähnlichen Ideen zusammen und haben sich daran gemacht, diese dann deutschlandweit umzusetzen. Aus zwei lokalen Ideen wurde so ein wirkliches und wirkendes bundesweites Projekt, das Deutschland mitbewegt. Dieses Jahr wird es übrigens Preisgelder von über 3000 Euro geben.

Und tolle ZahnräderX-Veranstaltungen bieten Zahnräder lokal an, z.B. in Berlin und NRW– vor der Haustür sozusagen.

Ability Usability
Internal Human Capital Cultural & Motivational Capital
External Social Capital Financial Capital


Darum geht’s: Intern wie extern möchten wir einander „bewegen“ – innovativ, kreativ, professionell: ein Netzwerk muslimischer Entrepreneure. Zahnräder begann im März 2010 vor knapp 3 Jahren mit diesem Wunsch nach Bewegung. Nach einem ersten dreiköpfigen Treffen im März in Oxford waren wir im Mai bereits 7 – 7 Gründer. Und wie auch heute in vielen Teams haben wir uns lange Zeit nicht gesehen, sondern nur via Skype kommuniziert. 3 Jahre später sind wir knapp 100 Mitwirkende.


Unsere Partner

Wir haben vielfältige Partner: Jugend für Europa, British Council, das AKE Bildungswerk, die Sawasya Stiftung, der VdM und Ashoka Changemakers sind einige unserer Unterstützer. Letztes Jahr haben wir darüber hinaus den die Social Entrepreneurship Akademie Act for Impact Publikumspreis im Wert von 5000 Euro gewonnen. Zahnräder sagte: Danke.

Zahnräder intern: Institutionalisierter Weiterbildungsprozess

Zahnräder besteht aus einem Zwei-Säulen-Modell. Extern untersützen wir bei der Verwirklichung von Projekten. Intern bieten wir die Möglichkeit, einen Lern- und Mitwirkungsprozess zu durchlaufen und so nicht nur die Gesellschaft sondern auch sich nachhaltig zu prägen: vom Teammitglied, über die Teamleitung bis hin zum Kernteam.

Wir sind dabei matrixartig organisiert und jedes Zahnrad kann mehrere Bereiche durchlaufen. Unsere Projektgruppen sind die Konferenzorganisation, ZahnräderX und der Think Tank. Unsere funktionalen Gruppen sind IT, Presse, Personalwesen und Finanzen. Jedes Jahr planen wir diese Gruppen um einen Strang zu erweitern bzw. diese Gruppen auszubauen.

Quo vadis?

Wir werden den Entwicklungsprozess verstärkt institutionalisieren. Zahnräder durchlaufen unterschiedliche Stadien: vom Recruiting über Weiterbildung bis zum Exit und Alumni-Status. Wir suchen Menschen, die etwas bewegen möchten und wir bewegen sie. Das Recruiting bietet neuen Zahnrädern eine Aufnahme und Einstieg in die Organisation von Zahnräder. Weiterbildungsbausteine verknüpfen Theorie mit Praxis. Module können z.B. sein Digital Work, Corporate Identity, E-Teams, Leadership, Religion & Wirtschaft, Islamisches Entrepreneurship, Vision & Innovation.

Geplant ist eine Internationalsierung der Tätigkeiten. Dieses Jahr konzentrieren wir uns auf den deutschsprachigen Raum. So findet unsere Konferenz dieses Mal auch weiter südlich statt, um so die Anfahrt aus der Schweiz und aus Österreich zu erleichtern. In einigen Jahren könnten dann Kooperationen und Partnerschaften entstehen, die verstärkt europäisch und global sind. Mit unserem Unterstützer Jugend für Europa sind wir hierbei einen wichtigen ersten Schritt gegangen.

Wir möchten ein professioneller Ansprechpartner für die Umsetzung von Projekten jeglicher Stufe sein: Von vor der Idee bis hin zur Reflektion.  Zahnräder hat noch einen langen Weg vor sich. Wir suchen hierfür nach Weggefährten. Wer Interesse hat, kann sich bei uns melden. Unsere Broschüre bietet eine kompakte Übersicht.


Wir werden weiter versuchen intern wie extern nachhaltigen Wandel zu kreieren und so leidenschaftlich unseren Beitrag zu einem positiven Wandel in unserer Gesellschaft zu leisten.

Zahnräder Network

Zahnräder transforms individual energy into collective movement. Together, the Zahnräder – wheels or gears – create change in and for society. The Zahnräder Network provides a professional platform to encourage as well as enable efficient and effective positive change by equipping its participants with capabilities to fish rather than the fish itself. And it offers a place – on- and offline – for structured interaction to contribute to a socially sustainable, innovative and multifaceted society.

// Social Incubator for Social Entrepreneurship

Zahnräder is a Social Incubator for Social Entrepreneurship. Members in our network have a strong desire to shape society, to have a social impact. Zahnräder is a platform for Social Innovation providing human, social, financial and cultural capital. Zahnräder acts as an “uncle (or aunt) doctor substitute support system” by encouraging and enabling changemakers making change happen.

Ability Usability
Internal Human Capital Cultural Capital, Motivation
External Social Capital Financial Capital, Credibility

// Conferences

At our conferences up to 100 participants come together – all of them as producers and no one just as a consumer. It is all about sharing: sharing knowledge, sharing your network, sharing what drives you, your goals, your ambitions, your vision. Participants speak about their projects, receive feedback, knowledge. Some join projects they encounter some recommend it to their friends. Together, we do not just “add up”, we multiply effort and subsequently impact.

// Support

We are grateful to have so many organisations like Youth for Europe, British Council, AKE Bildungswerk, VdM and the Sawasya Foundation supporting us. And we just won the Social Entrepreneurship Academy Act for Impact public choice award and 5000 €. Thank you all.

// Ashoka Changemakers Partnership

We have also just announced a partnership with Ashoka Changemakers. Through the digital community space, we hope to provide a professional online platform for Muslims with their diverse and invaluable projects which shape society; a place for sustainable change and social innovation where members can learn from each other, encourage each other, connect, seek funding opportunities and market their projects to the world.

// Structure

Currently, over 70 people are involved in the organization of Zahnräder. Being part of the organisation team is about changing yourself whilst changing society. Communication is primarily online via skype, basecamp and email. We are organized in a matrix-like organization with functional groups on the horizontal and working groups on the vertical axis. Functional groups are inter alia finance, communication, HR and IT. Working groups are the conference team, ZahnräderX local teams and the think tank.

// Quo vadis?

Zahnräder emerged in Oxford in spring 2010 and is only a bit over two years old. It subsequently evolved through the commitment of so many dedicated people. We managed by now to shift from a starting phase to a growth phase. The idea is to be sustainable internally and provide sustainable services externally. We will continue to passionately strive for positive change in society to make this place, our place, a better place.

A few thoughts on Twitter

I have been on twitter for two months and a few days. Who would have thought that constraining people exchanging thoughts to 140 characters would become such a successful business model? Twitter was founded less than six years ago. And what comes next? Up to 14 seconds’ videos or 140 pixel pictures?

// information, knowledge, wisdom

In a time of increasing information where knowledge competes with information, we need mechanisms to strive for knowledge and wisdom. Or to speak with Eliot: “Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?” Twitter constraints the number of characters but neither the number of posts nor the number of people we follow –  nor, of course, the time spent on Twitter. We may still end up in a net of over-information. Yes, tweeted information is now edited and concise, but it often becomes merely subdivided and two tweets substitute one other message somewhere hidden amongst other tweets.

// being an architect. 

What is fascinating is that we became to some extent the architect of our own information channels. We choose who to follow. This brings some freedom of information as well as flexibility to create our own information. Each of us has his customized newspaper and news channel. The media, the fourth power, in the hand of the people? Not quite, yet social media is powerful.

This new power brings responsibility which a society needs to reflect upon on a macro level: Are we well equipped to be the engineers of our own information streams? How do we educate ourselves to be prepared for the challenge to act as our own architects and the architects of our own surroundings? And what do these information structures make of us? Who creates these structures? And why?

// the strange

On a micro level, we need to constantly review our own thoughts as well as the structures we create around ourselves which shape these thoughts. We should look out for the non-obvious, the strange. So my advice: follow the strange from time to time, be shocked by what is out there outside our own comfort zone, in order to reflect on this comfortable turf we create around ourselves and in which explanation appears sometimes so simple. Let’s shake up our information syllabus and break out of  our very own information channels.

Social Incubator for Social Entrepreneurship

// New core team

This month the new core team, a fascinating group of people from various socio-cultural, regional and academic backgrounds, will continue what its predecessor has started. Zahnräder is almost two years old and over sixty people actively engage in the network’s organisation in various working and functional groups. Its mission can be conceptualized as a social incubator providing human, social, financial and cultural capital to social entrepreneurs. It is an enabling and encouraging platform acting as an uncle-doctor (or aunt) substitution system. More here.

// Energy -> movement -> social innovation

Zahnräder transforms individual energy into collective movement. Together, the Räder – wheels or gears – create change in and for society. The Zahnräder Network attempts to encourage as well as enable efficient and effective interaction by equipping its participants with knowledge to fish rather than the fish itself. And it provides a place – on- and offline – for structured interaction to contribute to a socially sustainable, innovative and multifaceted society.

networking as a changemaker

I attended a seminar last weekend and spoke together with my wife about „Networking as a Changemaker“. A few thoughts on this in the October blogpost (four hours too early – off to Oxford tomorrow):

// The Micro-side

Networking is a multiplication formula which only works if it is pursued correctly. If you meet someone what do you think? What is your approach for a meeting? Quite a few books are written on this topic but I would like to suggest two points to ponder upon – easily to remember and thereby easily employable.

The first is two have the following three questions in mind: Me? You? We? Or: who am I? Who are you? Who are we? This helps to understand the setting and act accordingly.

And the second set of three questions: What can I do for you or your network? What can you do for my network? And only then lastly: what can you do for me? I believe in this culture of helping others. If this is really about the I – well, it seems that helping others makes me happy. But it also seems to be the right thing.

Btw1: This seems to me to be essentially a very ethical question about our approach to life. How do I treat others? Why do I connect to others? Do I simply focus on my interests or is there more to it than trying to maximize my gains. What am I waking up for? Why do I (inter-)act?

// The Macro-side

Institutionalized networking should encourage and enable networking. It should provide a frame or plattform for the micro-side. According to Podolny and Page (1998), a networked organization is based on trust and reciprocity while a hierarchical organization employs authority. It is “ask” versus “make”.

For Goffee and Jones (1996) a networked culture is based on high sociability and high solidarity. Sociability measures the “sincere friendliness among members of a community”, whereas solidarity measures “a community’s ability to pursue shared objectives quickly and effectively”. If you intend to increase sociability, you should promote the sharing of ideas, interests and emotions by recruiting compatible people, augment social interaction, reduce formality, limit hierarchical differences and act like a friend, setting the example for kindness. If you aim to increase solidarity, you should develop members’ awareness of competitors, establish a sense of urgency, stimulate the will to win and encourage commitment to corporate goals.

Btw2: Again, what an organization does to us and we to it, is a deeply philosophical question about how we approach the institutionalized “us”. Does the macro-side provide the right encouragement and enable the right interaction – done rightly? Organizations may end up measuring and incentivizing the bad? What if the essential is hidden from us? What, how and why do we in our groups, organizations and states encourage and enable certain ways of (inter-)action?

Changemakers are actually bettermakers. They try to do better through change as well as conservation. Bettermakers need the right approach to (inter-)action on the micro-side and an encouraging and enabling macro-side. Let us start yesterday.

networks for social sustainability

I have just published an article on about networks and social sustainability. Networks are described as institutionalized platforms which encourage and enable exchange, interaction and all kinds of transfer. These networks can help us striving for social sustainability.

// An “uncle doctor substitute support system”

The socio-economic or ethnic background should not matter in a meritocratic society. But it does. There simply is a huge discrepancy between what is and what should. This is not socially sustainable. Social sustainability is one of the three pillars of sustainability – next to economic and environmental sustainability. It is all about people, planet and profit – though I don’t think profit captures it. But value does not start with a “p”, does it? But let us focus on people in this blogpost.

Networks have to substitute the missing uncle doctor. People from lower social or educational classes simply have a lower density and access to uncle doctors. Uncle doctor (or aunt doctor) hereby stand for a wise person, who can provide advice and help in all kinds of areas. Networks can act as an “uncle doctor substitute support system”.

// Us & between us

We essentially have us and what is between us: We could call us actors or agents and the between us a system or structure. Or in terms of network theory we have nods, connections and relations. Nodes are stations, connections are rails and the relations are trains travelling on rails between certain stations. We are nods connected to each other with certain kinds of relations.

These networks could and should strive for social sustainability. They key is to allow for changemakers and allow changemakers making change happen. Simplified we have two ingredients. Ingredient one: the person, actor, agent or nod: this entity needs to ask himself two questions: How can I help you? And: how can you help my network? Ingredient two: the system, structure or connections and relations. These need to encourage and enable interaction and exchange. Both together create a willingness and an ability to change.

// How to fish?

How does this look practically? As often: it depends. There are many ways to facilitate this. The goal is the creation of ability on the one hand and the usability on the other hand. The Zahnräder Network attempts to encourage as well as enable efficient and effective interaction by equiping its participants with knowledge to fish rather than the fish itself. And it provides a place – on- and offline – for structured interaction. More on Zahnräder in my blogpost for August.

// Shaping society

Ability and usability can be paired and focused on participating in and for a pluralistic and socially sustainable society. Networks can substitute the uncle doctor and contribute to social sustainability. In this society, no one must have the response – but everyone should feel responsable.

Zahnräder Network

// Goals

Zahnräder is an organization from Muslims for society. It is an enabling and encouraging platform which provides human, social and financial capital as well as motivation and credibility. The idea is to facilitate, to teach how to fish, not to give fish. Knowledge of all types is transferred – from tacit to explicit, individual to social, declarative, procedural, causal, conditional, relational to pragmatic knowledge. Similarly networks are built and a tertius iungens orientation (Obstfeld, 2005) of trying to connect people from your network with each other encouraged.

I generally ask people when they meet another person to think about two things:

  1. How can I help this person?
  2. How can this person help people in my network?

This is a mentality shift of always attempting to help everyone around you which I experienced in Oxford from so many of my colleagues. It is a wonderful and helpful way of approaching others. And it benefits Zahnräder, too.

Ability Usability
Internal Human Capital Cultural Capital, Motivation
External Social Capital Financial Capital, Credibility

Zahnräder transforms individual energy into collective movement. Together, the Räder – wheels or gears – create change in and for society. We are functioning thereby as a complement, not a substitute to existing organizations – enabling & encouraging changemakers.

// Structure

Currently, over 60 people are involved in the organization of Zahnräder. Communication is primarily online via skype, basecamp and email. We are organized in a matrix-like organization with functional groups on the horizontal and working groups on the vertical axis. Functional groups are inter alia finance, communication and IT. Working groups are the conference team and ZahnräderX local teams.

// The national conference

The national conference is currently the heart of Zahnräder. Over 100 participants come together – all of them as producers and no one just as a consumer. It is all about sharing: sharing knowledge, sharing your network, sharing what drives you, your goals, your ambitions, your vision. Participants speak about their projects, receive feedback, knowledge. Some join projects they encounter some recommend it to their friends.

// Quo vadis?

We managed to shift from a starting phase to a growth phase. We intend to have over 120 Zahnräder involved in the organization primarily by extending our functional and working groups. The idea is to be sustainable internally and provide sustainable services externally. From October onwards, we are aiming to have a Human Resource and from December onwards an Internal Communication functional group. Also, we plan to establish a Zahnräder think tank.